Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How to Stop a Nuclear Leak

This is the 1st post am I correct? so... yea. I just thought a blog will help me keep my mind off things and keep things in check too. Just for fun cos my old blog is alr quite dead and since im sec3, there'll be much more to write abt.

So today is the 25th of september. 2 more days to Exam mass. I have a feeling that some of the choir guys have a grudge against me or something. I know im not the best conductor but im trying right? Well I really think im falling behind in things. Im supposed to be choir master and i havent really gotten things done yet. And i think Mr Ng is blind too. This morning i walked pass him twice and he never acknowledged me. I also think hes pissed at me for not being on task but whatcha want me to do when exams are like 2 weeks away and the teachers dont really give much a care abt revision anyway.

Yea Ms Teo is alr on Binomial even though its not tested, Ms Chen is being... Ms Chen and Mrs Ong is like... well she can be nice sometimes, but usually shes quite anal and irritating. English is this friday and im really... nervous for my oral exam. We havent had english oral in a really long time and i really dont like the idea of having to describe a picture to someone. Feels very unatural. Oh then theres letter writing... Oh damn thats a killer. Imagine if exam papers were like transformers and suddenly jumped up at you as it folded itself into a lean mean killing machine.

Im gonna watch the Bee Movie with Sophie and a few others after exams. And Abel still owes me 100 bucks and a movie ticket in that stupid bet he took abt not getting the PLTC form. Poor abel. He wants to bring me out after exams gold class. well ill let him do what he wants really. =P Lisa's on a plan and John's thinking a lot. Sophie and gang might just be going crazy on exams but hey, So am I.

Lol the nuclear leak gets bigger as megan has been diagnosed with a low white blood cell count. So basically, if u study bio, u should know what WBCs do. Yea my sisters really... sick sort of. I mean she isnt vomiting or anything which is good. Last night I had a really bad gastric. I woke up at lie 130 rubbing my tummy thinking itll go away and half having a dream abt elements like fire and all that. after a while, I got up andgot that rubbing thing. then i took sintacid. And for a while it was fine then i threw up my dinner. It was most probably from that spoilt mooncake mum brought home that night. cept that i didnt know it was spoilt. O well.
So that was MY nuclear leak. So rule 1, dont ever trust mooncakes more than 4 days old. Rule 2, sintacid works. Rule 3, Dont think too much. You might just go crazy over girls or exams and all that. and then eat >4 day old mooncake and get gastric problems.

I wonder how everyone is doing right now. I hope Sophie doesnt go crazy like Jfm did the other day. And I hope john and lisa's plan works, whatever they may be. And I hope i dont get gastric tonight. I actually prayed during reccess over chicken rice that it wont give me gastric problems. Cos it did look pretty oily. Anyway Im working on the next new song, Arrows. My blog sub head is one of the lines. Well some will know who its about really. Well guys, whichever way u wanna stop a nuclear leak, make sure it stops.


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